Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What the hell is this entry about?

I never thought I had an addictive personality, but I am finding that to be untrue. I cannot believe how restless I get when I am unable to do my daily internet surfing. I am addicted to my computer AND IT IS STILL BROKEN. It's my own fault- I just haven't gone to Fry's to get the part I need (look at me trying to convince myself that I know what the problem is with my computer. Greg's the brains- I'm just supplying the funds.) and it's because of my own procrastination and laziness. I swear, I am so lazy sometimes.

Anyhoo, the moments I am able to steal Greg's laptop, I feel like a heroin addict doing.....whatever it is heroin addicts do when they finally get another hit of heroin.

Ok, I don't feel like a heroin addict. I don't know what a heroin addict would feel like, and I'm sure it's waaaaaay more devastating (or euphoric) than how I feel when I hop back onto a computer. I'm too square to use that comparison....or should I say, "I'm too cool and above it to know how it feels to use drugs!" Drugs are bad, kids. Don't use them. Ok.

So now here I am, with an endless array of topics in my head that I would love to jot down onto- err- screen, but it's been so long since I've been online that my mind is being pulled in twenty different directions- myspace, hotmail, etsy, banking, flickr, blogs blogs BLOGS! I cannot make my brain settle down and focus. That, and I am still fighting off a cold that I've had for the past week and a half. I swear to God there must be a ball of mucus the size of a grapefruit residing peacefully in the back of my nasal cavity! Every now and then this mother-ship of a booger likes to release it's sticky little cling-ons into my nostrils or down my throat. It's a soothing sort of feeling- having a little snot ball tease and taunt my sinus cavity, and every loogie I begrudgingly swallow brings back memories of when I was a little kid and used to eat my boogers. Sigh, those were the days.

I think I should leave the blogging to another day. Maybe when I'm feeling a little better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha, dude... I am the SAME way (obviously, I just wrote a blog similar to this...).

High five to internet addiction!
