Last weekend, Greg and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary by camping at Crater Lake. Despite getting sick on our last day, I had an amazing time. Crater Lake is truly one of the most beautiful sights I have ever laid my eyes upon, and I can't wait to go back! I would love to describe in every last flourished detail just how breathtaking it was, but alas, my skills as a descriptive writer are quite lacking- I just wouldn't do it justice. I do however, have quite a few pictures from our trip. Below are a few, and I'll probably post the rest on the Flickr account that I've recently set up.

Our first peak of the Lake. We immediately pulled over and oggled over the spectacular view.

Getting my toes wet. The water is usually around 32 degrees year round- yikes! But seriously, if I had worn my bathing suit that day, I would have dove right in! It was the clearest and bluest water I had ever seen in my life!

Strolling along in a wildflower meadow. It was a little late in the season for a lot of the flowers, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
See! I told you that water was clear! I took this sitting on a rock-edge about ten feet from the water's surface.
A cute old man took this picture. We look pretty dorky with our jeans rolled up....Greg more so than I :0) I knew I loved dorks.
This mini vacation will go down as one of my all time favorites. The anniversary may go down as a favorite as well, but we've got lots of years to top it! Seriously, we've come a long way in our marriage, and I am so happy that we are in such a good place right now. We had a rough time about a year ago, probably more serious than anyone really knew- if they knew that we were having problems in the first place. Last year, if I was told that I would feel this loved and this fulfilled in my marriage, I wouldn't have believed it. I am glad we are long past that now, and whatever struggles we had, we have survived them and (ok, here comes the cliche) have come out stronger than before. I am so in love with Greg.
YAY!!!!!!!!! :) happiness pie.
I cannot even begin to explain to you how much this blog meant to me.
Your trip looked beautiful, your marriage more...
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