Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And I Shake My Head...

Guy I work with: Tomato...tomato...how do you spell "tomato"? Is it with an "e"?

Me: No, it just ends in an "o" unless you want to make it plural.

GIWW: What?

Me: Plural. Tomatoes. If it's plural, it has an "e". Like potato and potatoes.

GIWW: So, no "e"?

Me: Not if it's singular.

GIWW: But...but, what did that one guy do? He spelled something like that...

Me: Are you talking about Dan Quayle? He spelled potato with an "e".

GIWW: Huhhuh.....man, that guy's an idiot!

Me: *head tilt, slow nod, slow speech* Yes. Yes he is.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bleh-biddy Bleh Bleh Blah

Sometimes we need a good cry-fest. Sometimes all it takes to make us feel better is a long hug. Other times we just need to kick the shit out of something, or someone.

Let it out by writing.

Let it go by exercising.



Sometimes we just



Here's the problem. I don't know what it is, and I don't know what I want. My brain, my body, my soul, my essence is in a personal coma, and I can't figure out how to get out of this funk. A stinky, life-pausing, sucky funk.

I've been wanting to write, but I've had a problem putting all these jumbled, rambling, confusing thoughts into coherent and eloquent words that anyone (including myself) would want to read. I've been wanting to get out - ride my bike, go for a hike, SOMETHING, but it's been raining nearly every day and like a genuine wuss, the wicked witch of the west, I feel I need to avoid the water. I've been wanting to draw but I STILL HAVEN'T BOUGHT MORE PENCILS. I've been wanting to spend time with my husband, but he's been working 1,000 hours a week and is using the remaining ten minutes on his computer chatting it up with friends. I've never been so jealous of online people in MY ENTIRE LIFE. Maybe if I start playing World of Warcraft, I'll get to spend time with him...in a virtual world...while we sit on the couch...in the same room...only staring at each other's avatars. I've been wanting to work more at work, but I'm not allowed to work more than 40 hours, even though I have 50 hours of work to do. I've been wanting to hang out with my friends, but it seems that everyone's schedule is different than mine, our paths have not been crossing for some time now. I've been wanting to live, breathe, laugh, move, excite, feel, ANYTHING, but I can't seem to start ANYTHING.

Ok, got that out.