Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We leave for Mexico in three days!!! I'm so excited, but I feel totally unprepared for this trip. I always feel like I'm forgetting something when I go on vacation. Still, I hate how anxious and nervous I get- it puts me in a foul mood, and I'm sure I'm not much of a peach to hang out with.

I just have to breathe.....

For those who don't know the details:

Greg and I are flying to Cancun on Thursday night (hell yeah!). We'll meet up with Brian (my brother) and my mom, and take a guided tour of Chichen Itza. From Cancun, we fly to Mexico City so we can see Teotihuacan. Then we rent a car and drive to Guadalajara to spend the rest of our trip with family. Good times!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What the hell is this entry about?

I never thought I had an addictive personality, but I am finding that to be untrue. I cannot believe how restless I get when I am unable to do my daily internet surfing. I am addicted to my computer AND IT IS STILL BROKEN. It's my own fault- I just haven't gone to Fry's to get the part I need (look at me trying to convince myself that I know what the problem is with my computer. Greg's the brains- I'm just supplying the funds.) and it's because of my own procrastination and laziness. I swear, I am so lazy sometimes.

Anyhoo, the moments I am able to steal Greg's laptop, I feel like a heroin addict doing.....whatever it is heroin addicts do when they finally get another hit of heroin.

Ok, I don't feel like a heroin addict. I don't know what a heroin addict would feel like, and I'm sure it's waaaaaay more devastating (or euphoric) than how I feel when I hop back onto a computer. I'm too square to use that comparison....or should I say, "I'm too cool and above it to know how it feels to use drugs!" Drugs are bad, kids. Don't use them. Ok.

So now here I am, with an endless array of topics in my head that I would love to jot down onto- err- screen, but it's been so long since I've been online that my mind is being pulled in twenty different directions- myspace, hotmail, etsy, banking, flickr, blogs blogs BLOGS! I cannot make my brain settle down and focus. That, and I am still fighting off a cold that I've had for the past week and a half. I swear to God there must be a ball of mucus the size of a grapefruit residing peacefully in the back of my nasal cavity! Every now and then this mother-ship of a booger likes to release it's sticky little cling-ons into my nostrils or down my throat. It's a soothing sort of feeling- having a little snot ball tease and taunt my sinus cavity, and every loogie I begrudgingly swallow brings back memories of when I was a little kid and used to eat my boogers. Sigh, those were the days.

I think I should leave the blogging to another day. Maybe when I'm feeling a little better.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Roughin' it for Our Fourth

Last weekend, Greg and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary by camping at Crater Lake. Despite getting sick on our last day, I had an amazing time. Crater Lake is truly one of the most beautiful sights I have ever laid my eyes upon, and I can't wait to go back! I would love to describe in every last flourished detail just how breathtaking it was, but alas, my skills as a descriptive writer are quite lacking- I just wouldn't do it justice. I do however, have quite a few pictures from our trip. Below are a few, and I'll probably post the rest on the Flickr account that I've recently set up.
Our first peak of the Lake. We immediately pulled over and oggled over the spectacular view.

Getting my toes wet. The water is usually around 32 degrees year round- yikes! But seriously, if I had worn my bathing suit that day, I would have dove right in! It was the clearest and bluest water I had ever seen in my life!

Strolling along in a wildflower meadow. It was a little late in the season for a lot of the flowers, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

See! I told you that water was clear! I took this sitting on a rock-edge about ten feet from the water's surface.

A cute old man took this picture. We look pretty dorky with our jeans rolled up....Greg more so than I :0) I knew I loved dorks.

This mini vacation will go down as one of my all time favorites. The anniversary may go down as a favorite as well, but we've got lots of years to top it! Seriously, we've come a long way in our marriage, and I am so happy that we are in such a good place right now. We had a rough time about a year ago, probably more serious than anyone really knew- if they knew that we were having problems in the first place. Last year, if I was told that I would feel this loved and this fulfilled in my marriage, I wouldn't have believed it. I am glad we are long past that now, and whatever struggles we had, we have survived them and (ok, here comes the cliche) have come out stronger than before. I am so in love with Greg.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


My computer is broken!

Greg has a laptop, so I have a chance here and there to hop online, but he takes it to work, leaving me sans cyber world. Boo. I've been wanting to share about all the latest and greatest happenings, but I can't hog the pc right now- Greg's just taking a quick break from work to let me hop on and check on stuff....plus, I kind of have to poop.

Here's a quick peak into my life: new car, new art projects, new travels, new new new!

Ok, I definitely have to poop.

I miss you all. All...probably two of you who read this :0)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So I'm going car shopping this weekend.

Yes, I have been doing nothing but complaining about my stupid car (trust me, if you've ridden in it in the past nine months, you'd understand) and quite frankly, I am sick of hearing my whining little voice. So, no more. I need to buck up and start thinking happy thoughts again. To help me revive my damaged happy-mojo, I will now list things that make me smile/things that make me giggle. Enjoy:

> Of course my family and friends. Sweet, huh?

> The way my cat looks when he's eating his treats- he looks like a vampire. It makes me giggle.

> Hedgehogs. Greg is really warming me up to hedghogs. Have you seen them? They're effing adorable! They make me giggle.

> Working on my art projects- I'm really happy with the one I'm working on right now. This one is making me smile and laugh.

> Persian cucumbers make me happy.

> Riding my bike makes me happy.

>Greg's kisses make me happy.

>Watching midgets run make me giggle. Go ahead and judge, I'm still gonna laugh.

> When Greg wears random hats- that makes me smile. Today it was a giant top hat and a sombrero.

> Dancing like I've got poopy pants with my friend, Gina.

> Dancing like I've got poopy pants, period.

> Drinking tea.

> Three-legged dogs.

> Singing in the car- although I'm so shy about it, I stop singing if someone is next to me at a red light. Still, it makes me happy.

> Taking pictures makes me happy.

> Crab makes me happy. Eating it, not being infested by it.

> Kayaking makes me happy. I didn't realize how much I'd love kayaking.

> British and Irish accents make me happy.

There are a lot more, but I'm satisfied with this list. I'm feeling better already.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bug, You've Got Me By the Balls!

So here's a little update about my car...

The car died about a week ago. I bought a new battery, hoping that would solve the problem and sure enough, the car started back up again- hooray! Knowing that my car hates me and wishes nothing but evil into my life, I decide to make an appointment with my mechanic for later in the week so I can get new brakes. My car has been needing new brakes for a while, and with the luck I've been having with it lately, I should just get them done now and not worry about it later.

Thursday afternoon I took my car in for new brakes. One day and 340 dollars later (440 if you count the hundred bucks for my new battery), I welcomed back my lime green crapper on wheels with not so open arms.

I had new brakes, a new battery, and a surge of optimism, but my mechanic quickly crushed the latter. He let me know that I was going to need a lot of work done on my car and it would cost me about 800 dollars! Immediately I thought, "time to trade it in." I figured, I'd trade it in before I'd have to do all that work on my car. It's running great now.

Or so I thought.

A day and a half later, Greg borrowed my car, and on his way home from work my car died. Again. I guess it wasn't the battery.

In other news- I'm going to Mexico in a month! Cancun, Mexico City and Guadalajara. Greg, my brother and my mom are all going, too! Funny story: my mom told us that she going to borrow my cousin's time share in Cancun.....

We're going to be in Cancun, Mexico.
The time share is for Cancun Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mom strikes again! How I love the woman!