Friday, November 13, 2009


You know the song from My Fair Lady, "I feel Pretty"? Well, if you take the prettiness of that song, add four gaping, throbbing holes into it's mouth, make it's brain mushier than the food it can chew, add about a week and a half's worth of leg hair, ashy skin, greasy hair on the head, a face that's getting paler by the minute, one or two fresh scabs from stubborn pimples and throw in a few new dimples on an ass from doing nothing but watching TV for a week, then you have how I feel.

...oh so pretty.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Easy Livin'

I get my wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow.

I've realized that I've never had anything even slightly major ever done, medically speaking. Well, there was that one time where they pumped my stomach, but that wasn't too bad. The worst injury I've ever had was probably when I sprained my arm at Chuck E. Cheese's when I was about five. I'm kind of bummed, actually, that I've never worn a cast or had crutches or stitches.

I'm just asking for trouble, aren't I?