Monday, July 6, 2009

What I Should Be Doing

My sister-in-law is coming to town! Although the visit will be short, I'm really looking forward to the time we will have.

Greg and I have been getting the guest bedroom all set up. Currently it has been used as our giant walk-in closet. Since we had decided to fix up the master bedroom first, all of our clothes and any extras were thrown into that spare room. Well, now we have to put a person in it, so we actually have to be productive and create a room that's more of an enjoyment than a punishment to stay in. I swear, if we didn't have guests coming over, we'd probably never get motivated to fix that room up. So earlier today, I started hauling our storage containers back up to the master bedroom, and about five minutes into working, I tripped on the stairs and twisted my ankle. Don't worry, it's not serious. It just hurts like a bitch, and now it's really difficult to carry things up and down the stairs. Now, Greg is doing all the work, and I feel like dead weight. Although it hurts my ankle to put too much weight on it, I can't help but feel guilty for not being able to help out more. What I should be doing, rather than typing away, is sucking it up and helping out. What hurts more, feeling guilty or walking up and down stairs? I'm not sure.

1 comment:

Shaun and Lisa said...

I'm so jealous!! I wish it was me that was staying in that room even if it is like a punishment..What you should do is wait till Laurie gets there and make her clean out the room :)