Greg and I spent a lovely Friday afternoon hiking at Oneonta Gorge. We waded through clear streams, admired waterfalls, and had a grand ol' time with Mother Nature. At one point on our hike, the path forked into two paths. One let you continue on the main trail, while the other led you down to a beautiful cliff that allowed a great view of Triple Falls (three waterfalls in one- clever.). Greg and I decided to take a breather and head down to the viewing spot. As we headed down the path, a nice older gentleman was heading up. We smiled and said our polite hellos and continued on our merry way. It was a great spot.
I sat down to rest my legs for a few minutes. Soon after sitting, I felt a little tickle on my left leg. I looked down and saw a creepy looking copper colored bug crawling up my thigh. I quickly swatted my hand across my thigh, hoping to get it off me. It fell off my leg, but it looked (and felt) like it fell right into my skirt, and onto my ::ahem:: lady part.
I freaked out.
I jumped up and started running in small circles, screaming over and over "Oh my God, it went in my crotch! IT'S IN MY VAGINA!!" I then lifted my skirt over my waist, skivvies in full view, and continued to scream and flail my limbs wildly, hoping that this desperate act would ensure my body being bug free. It was in the middle of this dance that Greg tapped me on my shoulder and said, "Hey....Krisha?"
Greg then pointed behind me. I turned around, and to my surprise, saw the nice old man, camera in hand (but not to his eye. He wasn't a pervert.) and a look of shock on his face. He had seen the whole thing.
Instantly, I lowered my skirt, turned back around and buried my embarrassed face in my hands. Greg laughed and took pictures.
Thanks for that. I needed to literally laugh out loud.
The best part of reading blogs by people you actually know is that you get the perfect mental image.
I'm SO excited to see you guys in Dec.
That is awesome!! I miss you two.
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