1. I think my breath is kind of stinky today.
2. When I was little, I told everyone that I was going to be a boy when I grew up, not because I necessarily wanted to be a boy, but because I thought everyone eventually turned into a boy.
3. I pick my nose way more than I believe is socially acceptable.
4. I don't mind where I work, but I think some people aren't happy that I'm okay with it. I think they think I should be doing more with myself, but I'm not really a career-minded person. I don't think my job defines me, and I don't want to do all the work and spend all the money to meet the expectations that other people think I should have for myself, just to get a more "grown-up" and "real" job that'll take me away from what I really love in life.
5. I want a dog so badly, that I cry about it sometimes.
6. When I was about four, I thought marraige meant you would get to have a sleepover with your best friend everyday, so I wanted to marry Rainbow Brite. When I was informed that you have to kiss and do other stuff with that person, I decided to marry Mr. T instead.

7. Some days I think that I don't ever want to have children, or that I should adopt rather than give birth.
8. Some days, I think about having kids, and it makes me happy.
9. My right leg is significantly shorter than my left. So much so, in fact, that I suffer from debilitating back pain from time to time. I succumb to whatever position I'm in when the pain hits, sometimes scream out in pain, and just cry until the pain lessens- sometimes it's for a couple hours Every day hurts, but that's become normal for me.
10. I like the fact that people think I'm funny. I like being funny. It means a lot to me when I can make people laugh.
11. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate doing the dishes, but I hate a sink full of dirty dishes more.
12. When I was twelve, I thought I would only live until I was 24. I don't know why I thought this, I just did, and I was okay with it. There was a little part of me that had always believed this until the day of my 25th birthday.
13. I love to sing, but I have a paralyzing fear of singing in front of people. I don't even like to sing on my karaoke machine at home, because I think my neighbors may hear a little.
14. I think music sounds better when I'm listening to it with Greg. There's something about listening to music with someone who really understands and appreciates it- when he's playing songs he likes, I feel like there's more to it than just liking the song- there's something deeper, and I feel honored to be a part of it.
15. That being said, I wish I knew how to play a musical instrument. I can fake a few things on a guitar or keyboard, and I can hold a simple beat on the drums, but I don't really know how to play. I even took a guitar class in college, but I don't possess natual musical talent, and no matter how often I practice the guitar, I don't seem to get any better.
16. I'm kind of glad that my parents had a messy divorce. Not that I'm happy that they went through a very rough time, but I learned so many valuable lessons from their mistakes.
17. I hope to be living in my first purchased home by summer of this year. That excites me, and scares me at the same time.
18. I wish I read more often.
19. I think farts are so funny. I can even remember cracking up in elementary school because I saw the word "fart" printed in a book. I couldn't get over seeing such a funny word in such a non-funny Times New Roman font. I still giggle when I see it in print.

20. I don't like to do things by myself. Riding my bike, getting a bite to eat, going for walks, and other simple pleasures sometimes go undone because I can't find anyone to do them with me. Sometimes I force myself to just go out and have a good time by myself, and I do, but the thought of "this would be more fun if (insert name) was here, " constantly pops up in my head.
21. I sometimes sound like a stupid valley girl. I say "like" wayyy to often, and it annoys me.
22. I know how to juggle.
23. I regret giving my mom a hard time when she was trying to teach me how to speak spanish when I was younger. It's coming back to haunt me now. I know quite a bit, but my vocabulary and grammer are like a five year old's. Maybe even younger.
24. I don't think I've found my passion in life. I hope to find it soon.
25. I think I got married at a very young age, but I don't regret it for a second.
At least 1/2 of what you said deserves (or should be scared of!?) a comment from me, but I'm too tired to do it now. Expect multiple comments later!
~ }i{
Looking forward to it! I had a good time writing this one- lot's of random things about yourself pop into your head when you have to focus on yourself.
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