Monday, November 7, 2011

Sketchbook Update #1


As promised, an update on my Sketchbook Project.

Remember, the theme I was given was monochromatic.  So, using a gauche wash (ha, that's pronounced "gwash wash") I painted each page a different color.  I decided to keep it light and a little uneven, giving it a slight watercolor effect.  And....

that's all I've done.

That's alright, though.  This was the most tedious part of the project, lots of painting and waiting, with some hair dryer action during my impatient periods.  But it's all done now, and I'm really happy that this part is finished.  I haven't taken any photos yet, but I will. 

The next step is going to be fun:  doodling!  I'm going to let my imagination run wild with this part, so stay tuned...

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