Lately I've been having so many thoughts race through my head right as I lay down to sleep. These thoughts are very fluid and clear- almost poetic- and I want to jot them down onto my blog for all my friends to see. But I don't.
I lie awake in bed, philosophical ideas and emerging epiphanies present themselves to me with no force or cognitive effort at all...
and I just lie there and let them pass. Why? Am I
that lazy that I don't roll out of bed and perform the simple task of scribbling these words down? I could even just write down the main point of these thoughts, and call it a night. Sigh.
I need to keep a journal by my bed. I don't want any more of these thoughts to slip through my fingers. It's not that I feel like I'm going to break barriers or change the world with any of these ideas. It's just that I've created this blog to challenge myself- to really explore my sense of expression, and to make myself vulnerable and open in ways of showing my creativity. I'm very hard on myself, and I stop myself from going on a lot of artistic endeavors because I am embarrassed to show my work. I am embarrassed to show myself in a more serious and deeper light, and the whole point of this blog is to get over that.
So here's how it will be from now on. More honesty. More vulnerability. More risks, and more purity. It's scary.