Saturday, February 21, 2009

Recycle, Toss, Sell, Clean

Today has been a tiresome, and minimally gratifying day. I have a lot of crap.

A LOT of crap.

I've been sorting through so much junk in my house- papers, clothing, knick-knacks and doo-dads, and I still have so much more to sort through. I didn't realize how much useless crap I have accumulated. I don't need so much.

So goodbye, old and tired t-shirts. Farewell, broken mirror I never used. Adios, bicycles, wedding dress and countless other items that will hopefully serve better use to someone who will, well, actually use you.

I've still quite a ways to go, but I feel like I've gained some ground. So maybe it wasn't minimally gratifying. I feel good. I feel liberated and relieved. I feel.....


Know anyone who wants to buy a wedding dress?


chris said...

i was looking over like I do everynight before I go to sleep and saw this, I thought that it had some good tips:

Alethea said...

Try craigslist for your dress, or donate it for a good feeling and a tax rightoff. Check out Brides Against Breast Cancer.

Meghan said...

I have a biz making purses from recycled you can pass on any of your used clothing to me :)-

Kelli Martinelli said...

I tried to sell my dress on Craigslist once. Someone allllmost bought it and ya know, it was kind of weird having someone in my house trying on my wedding dress. Kinda weird indeed.